A workshop on ‘Life after death’ was conducted on 26 February 2024 by Moulana Syed Aqeel Shah at the center. The workshop was an in-depth analysis on the aspects of the after life. The session concluded with a QnA session with Syed and was open to the members of the community.
The concept of life after death is a cornerstone of Shia Islamic belief, deeply rooted in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his family, the Ahl al-Bayt. This belief shapes the moral and spiritual framework of Shia Muslims, influencing their actions in this life in preparation for the hereafter.
It is very essential to learn about the life after death.
The Powerpoint presentation conducted by Syed can be seen below:
Journey into the unseen world by Hujjatul Islam Najafi Quchani (islam.org):
Additional resources from the workshop: